To help make mobility in the Greater Region convenient and sustainable, Mobiregio links to several solutions. Combine them!

Soft mobility

Every journey begins as you step out of your front door. So why wouldn’t you walk to the nearest bus stop? Or why don’t you cycle to the train station?

For two decades, cities and countryside areas adjusted their public spaces to promote sustainable mobility. Urbanites found pleasant pedestrian and cycle zones and bike paths and bicycle parking garages.

Mobiregio encourages you to start and end your journey on foot or by bike, not only for the environment but also for your health. How about taking a cross-border ride on the old Vennbahn railway, which has been transformed into a 125-km cycle route between Belgium, Germany and Luxembourg?

Public transport

The public transport is a sustainable solution for the cross-border commuters in the Greater Region. Thanks to express lines and cross-border subscription rates, the commute remains fast, affordable and relaxing.

Environmentally friendly mobility by car

There are various ways to go by car in the Greater Region. Being more ecological can be as simple as parking in a park & ride car park and continuing your journey by public transport, organising a carpool or occasionally using an electric car when carsharing.


Due to its vocation as a user-friendly social service, public transit must be able to accommodate all passengers. Thus, it tries hard to propose vehicles and urban spaces adapted to the needs of each and everyone.

Soon, our route planner will be able to suggest accessible routes for people with reduced mobility, for example a woman with disabilities, a man with a toddler or seniors.

Finally, stations and pavements in big cities within the Greater Region are gradually becoming equipped with lifts, guidance systems for the visually impaired and accompaniment services.


Prochainement, notre calculateur d’itinéraire pourra délivrer des trajets accessibles aux personnes à mobilité réduite à l’exemple d’une femme en situation de handicap, d’un homme avec un enfant en bas âge ou de seniors.

Enfin, les gares et les trottoirs des grandes villes de la Grande Région sont progressivement aménagés avec des ascenseurs, des systèmes de guidage pour malvoyants et des points de service d’accompagnement.



Piste cyclable

Mobiregio is a collaborative platform bringing the public transport operators of the Greater Region together. Through cooperation we find ways to work together, exchange knowledge and best practices and inform the public of their options to travel in a sustainable way through the Greater Region.